Doga Cansi Advokatfuldmægtig Løje IP



Doga is employed as Attornery-at-Law and specializes in intellectual property and personal data. Before Doga came to Løje IP, he was employed by another patent and trademark agency in Denmark.

Doga advises within all personal data. He has experience in drafting all the necessary documents for compliance with the GDPR and is happy to perform a full check of your company’s compliance with the GDPR. Doga also acts as DPO for Løje IP’s clients.

Doga assists both with portfolio strategy and conflicts in all parts of intellectual property law.

Doga has particular experience in the enforcement of intellectual property rights on the Internet, including the dismantling of counterfeit goods on selling platforms, social media content and Google Adwords, which make improper use of trademarks and other rights.

Doga is an external lecturer at Copenhagen University in the course EU Intellectual Property Rights.


Cand. Jur. fra Århus University, 2018


Danish, English,

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